Breast Reduction Surgery in Ludhiana

Life-Changing Procedure: Breast Reduction Surgery
When a person has an extra large chest, then they feel ashamed when they put on any dress. Breast reduction surgery is a life-changing procedure. This surgery gives you emotional and physical benefits. Women suffer from discomfort and emotional distress with larger breasts. After breast reduction surgery, they relieve the stress.
Reduction mammoplasty is the medical name of breast reduction surgery. A surgeon used a surgical way to reduce the size, shape and weight of breasts. Often, this surgery adopts women. There are some reasons why women get breast reduction surgery, such as alleviating chronic back pain, neck and shoulder pain and enhancing posture and self-confidence. If women suffer from heavy breasts and want to be in the right shape, then adopt breast reduction surgery in Ludhiana from Union Super Speciality Hospital.
There are processes for the surgical treatment of breast reduction surgery
Consultation and Evaluation
When you decide to get breast reduction surgery to reduce your oversized breast, the first doctor checks and consults with a plastic surgeon with your past medical report. Also, discuss the surgery with why you want this surgery after knowing your concern to evaluate your breast weight, size, shape and other health conditions.
Pre-operative planning
After examining your health conditions, they plan a pre-operative surgery in which the surgeon discusses with you the breast size, shape, cutting option and other surgical procedures.
After discussing related surgery, they inject anesthesia so that during surgery, you can not feel pain. Injecting anesthesia in your body because you will be asleep when the surgeon performs surgery.
After a cut on the breast, the surgeon removes the extra skin, fat, and tissue from the breast. After the left breast tissue is reshaped and set to the right position, it gives a natural look after surgery
Nipple-areolar complex repositioning
In some cases, the nipple-areolar sets a higher position from the location on the breast so that the nipple-areolar is complex repositioning.
After removing extra tissue and reshaping, the breast surgeon performs stitches to close the cuts with care. Surgeons often use sutures as a method to reduce the scarring.
After the surgery, the doctor carefully monitors where they operate. And also guide care after surgery. But recovery takes time.
Risk breast reduction surgery
There are some risks after getting breast reduction surgery.
During treatment, you have a rare chance of getting an infection. Surgeons use antibiotics to minimize the risk of infection.
After surgery, some small and large scars on the breast are visible and noticeable.
Sensation change
In some cases, after surgery, breast sensation changes, such as some people feeling more sensation and some less.
Breast reduction surgery is a challenging task. Sometimes, breast sizes are symmetric, and in a few cases, slight changes between breasts, such as size and shape.
Healing condition
Sometimes, after surgery, it does not heal the wound properly.
Anesthesia reaction
During surgery, surgeons inject anesthesia. Some people get bad reactions such as breathing problems, allergies etc.
Unsatisfactory result
In some cases, patients do not get effective results after surgery.
When you take this surgery, first consult surgeons about surgical procedures and risks. If you are looking to get breast reduction surgery at low cost in Punjab to relieve your shoulder and neck pain, you can visit the Union Multispecialty Hospital to get treatment, and you can get the best breast lift surgery in Punjab.